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  • 2012 –2017 PhD, Art & Design Research Institute, Ulster University, Belfast.

  • 1996-99 BA (Hons) First Class Fine Art, Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent. 

  • 1988-90 MA Building Conservation and Vernacular Archaeology, Manchester Victoria University.

  • 1981-83 BA (Hons) History and Archaeology, University of Wales, Lampeter.


  • 2021 ACNI Individuals Emergency Resilience 2 & Creative Individuals Recovery Program

  • 2020/21 D/deaf and Disabled Artists’ Support Fund 1 & 2 & 3 Creating Time Award

  • July 2020 Freelands Foundation Emergency Fund 

  • ACNI SIAP 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

  • ACNI iDA Award 2016/2017, 2018/2019, 2020/21 

  • 2015/16 Artists Career Enhancement Scheme (ACNI).

  • Nov 2015 StudioBook, mentoring scheme with Mark Devereux Projects, supported by ACE and University of Salford.

  • 2012-2015 Full time DEL PhD Studentship at the University of Ulster, Belfast.

  • 2014 Ulster University Student Support Award.

  • 2013 Study China Programme, Zhejiang University, China and Manchester University.

  • 2013 Thomas Dammann Junior Memorial Trust Award.

  • 2013 UK Federation of Business and Professional Women (Northern Ireland Division) Travelling Scholarship.

  • 2012 and 2013 Future Everything Conference Bursary 

Solo shows

Selected group exhibitions/ projects

2023 Creating space, making space Solo show, University of Atypical Gallery, Belfast.

2021 July #Rainbowwalk20 Handmaking chalks and distributing them to local children, a D&DASF Award from UofA and ACNI.

2021 Life Goes On - Scenes of East Belfast during the First Lockdown at the Strand Cinema Arts Centre.

2016 Rumpelstiltskin Revisited solo show of knitted paintings, ADF, Belfast.




Volunteer on Urban Survival Kit, part of the UofA International Research Programme that explores new models of creative engagement with d/Deaf, Disabled and Neurodiverse people, funded by the Erasmus + EU programme.

Part of group exhibition at Harkin Summit, Belfast.

Participatory crafts(wo)manship for inclusive community, Participant with Zavod Tri and Breja preja knitting community, Škofja Loka, Slovenia. 

Arts & Inclusion, mask building and playing, Participant with Blauschimmel Atelier, Oldenburg, Germany.

Part of group exhibition at the Harkin Summit, Belfast.

Crafting the Inclusion: Crafts and Practices in non-formal education for increasing social inclusion Academia Recreio Artistico, Lisbon, Portugal. Part of CRAFT:IN project and funded by ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union. 



Accessing Architecture part of group exhibition, reflecting disabled people’s experiences of the built environment.

Sill Here But Not There Pollen Studios 10th anniversary show

The Big Christmas Photo Sale Belfast Exposed

Contributor to the extraORDINARY women project, Linen Hall Library, Belfast

Lead Artist facilitating a series of workshops Disability, Covid, and the ‘Second Shift’ for the Accessing Architecture project with UofA, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund NI. 

The Ground Between Us and Instagram take over as part of the Northern Ireland Mental Health Arts Festival 2021.



Participating Artist in Expanded Studio Project organised by PS², Belfast and Primary, Nottingham, dialogue and collaborative exchange between 14 Belfast-based visual artists, and 14 counterparts from Nottingham. 

Nostalgia of Memory exhibition of limited edition prints at CEX as part of Eastside Arts Festival.



Program Your Retroactive Wish group show, Catalyst Arts Gallery. 

#Interface group show, neo:gallery23, Bolton.



Agus/ And? Three-week residence sailing from Belfast to Scotland.

Research in Real-Time: Practice in Progress, delivered a research paper and exhibited practice-based research at NUI, Galway.



Tether Open House & Exhibition, Templemore Bath House, East Belfast.

StudioBook group show at Artwork Atelier, Salford.




Dec Murmurations co-curated and participated in performance, Pollen Studios, Belfast.

17 July-8 Aug Art Takes a Holiday Group show at Curve Gallery, Newcastle, Australia.

17 April Presented poster and research paper at Mind the Gap Workshop, NCAD.

21 March Presented PhD research paper at Irish Association of Art Historians/Artefact Study Day at the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin.

20 March Organised Social Media and Post Digital Art Practice, Artist talks by Fiona Chambers & Aideen Doran as part of ArtWorks Conversations at Pollen Studios, Belfast.

5 Feb Safety Knit Co-curated and participated in performance, Pollen Studios, Belfast.


Oct Show and Tell, presentation for VAI about my art practice, Black Box, Belfast.

Sept An Attempt at Definitions Ulster Research Salon Seminar at Catalyst, Belfast.

19 Sept Commissioned to make #DIYRainbowCrossing for Culture Night, Cathedral Quarter, Belfast @Rainbowcrossway #CNB14.
Sept Český Krumlov, Little Kingdoms, group show, Catalyst Arts, Belfast.
June State of Play Digital Arts Studio Residents Group Show, Pollen Studios, Belfast.
May The Bureaucratization of Memory [Redux] Pollen Studios, Belfast.
April The Bureaucratization of Memory, Pollen Studios, Belfast.

Research & publications 

PhD thesis Wylie, J. (2016) “A new canvas? A study of social media and networking activity by arts professionals in the United Kingdom and Ireland 2004-2014: examining the post internet paradigm shift that has occurred in their behaviours, workflows and artefacts, and discussing the consequences for materiality, identity and ethics in visual art.”


Presented poster and research paper at Mind the Gap Workshop, NCAD 2016.


Presented PhD research paper at Irish Association of Art Historians/Artefact Study Day at the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin 2016. 


Published paper in Mind the Gap Working papers on practice based doctoral research in the creative arts and media edited by Desmond Bell. 


Wylie, J. (2016) “Social media, a new canvas for artists?” In: Bell, D. ed. Mind the Gap! Working papers on practice based doctoral research in the creative arts and media, Impress Printing Works, 210-225.


Wylie, J. ed. (2004) Ritual Bodies, Exhibition catalogue Manchester: Apple Pie Press.


Belfast, UK



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